
All the following articles are free to download by clicking on the link:

“A Winning Performance”

Winning is an emotional need. Performing is a True Value. A winning performance is the experience of a winner who performs well and a performer who wins awards. Awards are awarded to great performers who win accolades for their ability.

Read More ………. A Winning Performance


“Sins & Virtues Explained”

Sins are male emotional energy and Virtues are female emotional energy. When a wavelength of pure emotion is divided by gender it causes the effect of a sin or a virtue. Seeing an experience as a sin or a virtue is a perspective based on a perception of gender.
Read more ……………………………. Sins & Virtues Explained


“Work is a Job, a Career or a Vocation?”

My Work can be a job, it can be a career or it can be a vocation. They all follow different paths of development. My education, my class and my belief system determine my choice for me.

Read more ……………………………. A Job, A Career. A Vocation


“What A Life Coach Does & Doesn’t Do!”

A Life Coach guides the client along the client’s unique & individual path of personal development. A Life Coach supports the client by connecting them to their own source of personal empowerment.

Read more ……………………………. What A Life Coach Does & Doesn’t Do


“Five Sur-Prizes”

To Survive is a Surprise when I Surmise to Surrender & to Surcome to the destiny of my Life Path. Sur-vive means over or above – life.

Read more ……………………………. Five Sur-Prizes


“The Five Trees In Paradise”

The Five Trees In Paradise appear in the Gospel of Thomas “#19ʺ″. It is an allegory of Jesus that explains that whoever attains the 5 levels of Consciousness will overcome the duality of life & death. With all five levels of Consciousness in alignment, life is absolutely ideal.

Read more …………………………. Five Trees In Paradise


“Spiritual Reality”

My Spiritual Reality is a triune reality of my physical, mental & emotional realities.
My mentality, emotionality & physicality determine my spirituality.
Read more ………………………… Spiritual Reality


“Being Care-Free”

Being Care-free is a choice. I can choose to be Careful, be Caring or be Careless; or I can choose to Care less and become Care-free.

Read more …………………………. Being Care-free

“A Choice Of Authority”

Being Obedient is following someone else’s orders or direction. It is conforming to someone else’s standards. It is never conflicting and never crosses another’s boundaries.

Read more …………………………. A Choice Of Authority


“The Opportunity Of Challenging Problems”

An Opportunity is a present & a gift. The opportunity of life is a gift that is presented in every present moment. I can perceive what is being presented as a problem, as a lesson or as an opportunity.

Read more ………………………… The Opportunity of Challenging Problems


“The Problem Of Fear & Pain”

Fear is caused by a false belief. A false belief is unauthorised and is therefore disempowering & disabling. Using will power to suppress fear is called bravery or courage. Using emotional energy to overcome fear is called being emotionally intelligent.

Read more ………………………. The Problem of Fear & Pain


“My 7 Core Beliefs”

A Core Belief is fundamental in the creation of an ideal life. It resonates with the core & the essence of my Beingness. It is a belief in which I have total personal faith.

Read more ………………………. My 7 Core Beliefs


“Default Negative Attainments”

Negative Attainments are attained by default. I do not consciously choose to attain them. I sub-consciously attain them by default.

Read more ……………….. Default Negative Attainments


“The Capacity of the Mind”

Conscious Capacity is the extent of my knowledge. Awareness Capacity is the extent of my spiritual awareness. Conscious-Awareness Capacity is the potential of all Human Beings.

Read more ………………………….. The Capacity of the Mind


“Me, Myself & I”

Me is my sub-conscious id, my ego is my sense of self & I am my Soul. This is the supra-conscious entity that is me, myself & I.

Read more …………………… Me, Myself & I


“Negative Emotional Intensities”

Many Negative Emotions have a range of different Intensities.

Read more …………………… Negative Emotional Intensities


“Seven Modern Day Problems”

The Seven Modern Day Problems are Procrastination, Prevarication, Scarcity, Sex, Discrimination, Duty, & Busy-ness.

Read more …………………….. 7 Modern Day Problems


“Three Stages of Coaching”

There are Three Stages of Coaching required to attain an effortless life. Stage One requires a Mentor, Stage Two requires a Therapist & Stage Three requires a Tutor.

Read more ……………………… Three Stages of Coaching


“Inner Peace”

Inner Peace is the attainment of serenity, congruence & harmony. Serenity requires the  attainment of both sensitivity & detachment. With sensitivity & detachment, I am serene with other people.

Read more ………………………. Inner Peace


“Three Prime Trialities”

A specific wavelength of space & a specific frequency of time allow the possibility of a specific vibration of physical reality to exist. Energy vibrations that are a matter of energy in motion can be experienced as a space-time reality in a spiritual universe of Love, Light & Life.

Read more ………………… Three Prime Trialities


“Three Types of Mentality”

My Mentality is my belief system that determines my perspective of life as a mental reality. I can believe that my reality is one in which I have to survive, one in which I need to be comfortable or one that I am creating with awareness.

Read more ………………… Three Types of Mentality


“Three Qualities of a Master Coach”

A Quality is an attainment that is personally attributable. A Master Coach has mastered the attainments of being Intuitive, Inter-developmental & Emotionally Intelligent. The quality of a coach’s personal intuition, inter-development & emotional intelligence determines their level of mastery. Mastering these qualities requires the guidance & support of a master Coach.

Read more ………………………….. Three Qualities of a Master Coach


“The Cause of Creativity”

I Cause an effect to happen or occur. Cause & effect are a duality of the same energy. Every effect has a cause and every cause has an effect.

Read more …………………………… The Cause Of Creativity


“Four Perceptions of Reality”

Sexuality, sensuality, actuality and surreality are all different perspectives of how I perceive my reality to be. Sexuality is the reality of my sex.

Read more …………………………… Four Perceptions of Reality


“The Almighty Might of the Almighty”

Almighty means all possible. When all possibilities exist anything & everything can happen. When anything can happen, anything might occur.

Read more ……………………… The Almighty Might of the Almighty


“Dualities of Love”

Duality is caused by the frequency & wavelength of energy vibrations being divided by gender & polarity. The energy of love is a vibration whose wavelength can be divided by male & female gender, with a frequency that can be divided by positive & negative polarity.

Read more ………………. Dualities of Love


“Two Intuitive Questions”

“What Do I Know” is a question that connects me to my intuitive knowing. It is a question that I ask when I have no rational knowledge of what is occurring.

Read more ……………… Two Intuitive Questions


“Spiritual Fuel & Energy”

Physical Energy is an oxymoron. Physical ability is a potential of our muscles. Muscles require fuel to deliver their potential. Food & oxygen provide the fuel for our muscles. Fuel is physical. Energy is not.

Read more ………………… Spiritual Fuel & Energy


“A Choice of Authority”

My Authority is my ability to make a Choice. Choice is an authorised ability. My ability to choose is authorised. When my choice has my highest authority, it is empowered.

Read more ………………… A Choice of Authority


“Attaining Harmony”

Attaining Harmony requires the personal attributes of being congruent, being consistent & being agreeable. When I am being congruent, consistent & agreeable, I am in harmony with my Self.

Read more …………………….. Attaining Harmony


“Personal Spiritual Self Development & Growth”

Personal Growth is my growth as a person. It is the growth of my ego Self. My ego self is my personal sense of Self. It is who I believe myself to be. When I believe that I am my personality & character then personal growth is the development of my personality & character.

Read more ………………………… Personal Spiritual Self Development & Growth


“Asking Forgiveness”

I Ask Forgiveness in three different ways. I am sorry for my insensitive state of being. I apologise for my fears and the consequences of my false beliefs. I ask for a pardon for my apparent wrong doing and my evil actions.

Read more ………………………… Asking Forgiveness


“Three Negative Reactions”

I react negatively when I am disconnected from my source of personal power, authority & ability. It is my disconnection from my state of being who I really am that causes my frustration, anger or intolerance.

Read more ……………………… Three Negative Reactions


“Three Perspectives of Consciousness”

Consciousness is able to perceive itself from three different perspectives. The oneness of a singularity, the twoness of a duality or the threeness of a triality.

Read more ……………………….. Three Perspectives of Consciousness


“Being Happy”

Being Happy is my natural state of being. It is experienced in physical life as a triune reality of being content, fulfilled & joyful. It requires the attainment of contentment, fulfilment & joy.

Read more ………………………… Being Happy


“I Am A Three Part Being”

I am a Three Part Being when I recognise all three aspects of my Beingness. My ability to Be requires both power & authority. I am physically enabled by my emotional power & my mental authority. My physical life is both a mental & an emotional experience. It requires the body, the mind & the emotion of my Spirit.

Read more ……………… I am a Three Part Being


“A Clear & Present Vision”

A Clear & Present Vision requires my vision to have direction, my purpose to have clarity and my mission to be present. When the clarity of my purpose unites with the direction of my vision, my mission is presented to me in every moment of now.

Read more ……………….. A Clear & Present Vision


“Successfully Succeeding in Being Successful”

Money is rarely a measure of success. Few people ever succeed in having enough money. Having too much money will not ensure my success. Successfully making money has nothing to do with being successful. Being successful is a state of being.

Read more …………………………….. Successfully Succeeding In Being Successful


“Three Different Management Cultures”

My Management culture is created by my beliefs and my emotional needs that determine my personality and my character. I can choose to be financially driven, customer driven or success driven.

Read more ………………………………. Three Different Management Cultures


“My All Seeing Third Eye”

A three dimensional creature inhabits a three dimensional reality. I cannot live in a four dimensional reality because I can only see three dimensions of reality, but I can imagine one intuitively. A three dimensional being has three dimensions of consciousness. I am conscious, I am sub-conscious & I am super-conscious.

Read more ……………. My All Seeing Third Eye


“Three Commonly Held Beliefs in our Society”

A common held belief in our society is that power comes from money; authority comes from status; and ability comes with knowledge.

Read more ……………………………. Three Commonly Held Beliefs in our Society


“Four Dimensions of Reality”

A One Dimensional Reality has no perception of time or space. There is no there, only here. There is no then, only now. The Atomic Holon is one dimensional.

Read more ……………………………. Four Dimensions of Reality


“Approving my Need for Approval”

Deep down, I intuitively know that I am perfect. On the surface, I experience with my physical senses all the imperfection of life. In my created reality, I disapprove of all the imperfection because I know that it is not really me. The experience of my created reality reinforces my disapproval of my Self. My Self has created an imperfect reality and the disapproval of its own creation.

Read more …………………………… Approving my need for approval


“Confronting Conflict”

To Conflict means to be in opposition to. To Confront means to face up to an issue. Confrontation & conflict are often confused and seen as the same thing.

Read more ………………………………….. Confronting Conflict


“Standards, Boundaries, Qualities & Accuities”

A Standard is the level to which I perform a physical task. A Boundary is the level of behaviour that I find acceptable from other people. A Quality is a personal attribute that has true value for me. An Accuity defines the level of my mental & emotional intelligence.

Read more ………………………………….. Standards, Boundaries, Qualities & Accuities


“Five Types of Relationship”

I have a choice of 5 different ways in which to relate to other people and I have a choice of 5 different types of relationship with others: A relationship can be dependent, independent, co-dependent, interdependent or inter-developmental.

Read more …………………….. Five Types of Relationship


“Patient Care”

Patients require patient care. Care requires patience and patients. Impatience expresses a lack of care. Caring professionals require lots of patience to attract lots of patients.

Read more ……………………. Patient Care


“There Is No Shame”

Shame is my failure to follow someone else’s authority. I follow someone else’s authority with pride. When I do so, they are proud of me. When others are proud of me, there is no shame.

Read more ………………. There is no Shame


“Attaining Humility”

Humility is the quality of attaining outstanding balance in my personal attributes. When I attain a balanced state of being that is attributable to my Self, I express humility. Humility is an expression of the congruency of my emotional energy.

Read more …………………………. Attaining Humility


“Intelligent Knowledge”

Knowledge & Intelligence are not the same. Knowledge is an accumulation of facts about the physical world. It is taught by people who have knowledge to people who do not. Knowledge is not relative to intelligence. Having more knowledge never made anyone more intelligent.

Read more ………………….. Intelligent Knowledge


“Three Types Of Coaching”

There are many types of Coaching. Here are three different niches for different types of clients.

Read more …………………….. Three Types of Coaching


“The Quality of Personal Development”

The Purpose of Personal Development is quality of life. The quality of my life is relative to my attainment of personal qualities. The personal qualities that I attain are attributable to my Self. The personal qualities that I attribute to my Self are emotional states of being.

Read more …………………….. The Quality of Personal Development


“The Prime Attributes, Attainments & Qualities of a Coach”

The Prime Attributes of a Coach are Sensitivity & Detachment. Supporting a client on their development path requires the attribute of Sensitivity. Sensitivity, also known as empathy & compassion, is the understanding of where someone is emotionally.

Read more …………………. The Prime Attributes, Attainments & Qualities of a Coach


“What Is Coaching?”

A Coach is a person who guides and supports another on their path of personal or professional development. A Personal Development Coach or Life Coach guides & supports someone on their path of development in life. A Professional Development Coach, Corporate Coach or Business Coach guides & supports someone on their path to develop their business or their role in their business or chosen professional occupation. What defines a Coach as distinct from a Teacher, Trainer, Consultant or Therapist is that the process is always client driven and not practitioner driven.

Read more ………………… What is Coaching


“Divine Attributes”

When my state of being is attributable to the ability of my Soul’s power & authority, it is a divine experience. Being approving connects me to my divine power, being allowing connects me to my divine authority and being accepting connects me to my divine ability.

Read more ……………………….. Divine Attributes


“The Four Dimensions of a Three Dimensional Space-Time-Reality”

By definition Space-Time-Reality has 3 dimensions: Space, Time & Reality.

Read more ……………………… The Four Dimensions of a Three Dimensional Space-Time-Reality


“The Vision, Mission & Purpose of my Destiny”

My Destiny is to fulfil my journey. Every journey has a destination. Without a journey there is no destination. Without a destiny there is no journey.

Read more ……………………… The Vision, Mission & Purpose of my Destiny


“Three Measures of Attraction”

The Law of Attraction is a Spiritual Law of Consciousness that works on three levels of Consciousness and three levels of Spirituality. It works at the conscious, sub-conscious & super-conscious level and can be measured as my emotional competence, my mental capacity and my physical capability.

Read more ………………….. Three Measures of Attraction


“Three Realities of Perspective”

Perspective creates reality. Man, Animals & Enlightened Beings all have different realities of their perceived perspective.

Read more ………………….. Three Realities of Perspective


“A Multi-Dimensional World”

In a three dimensional world the fundamental elements of that world all have three dimensions. A physical world is not just a matter of length, breadth & height. All matter is a form of energy and the fundamental properties of all energy forms are frequency, wavelength & vibration. The three energy dimensions of all matter forms in motion are spin, orbit & rotation.

Read more ……………………………… A Multi-Dimensional World


“Thoughts About My Mind”

I can be ‘mindless’ or ‘thoughtless’; I can be ‘mindful’ or ‘thoughtful’; and I can be ‘mind-free’ or ‘thought-free’; but not until I confidently know the difference. Mindless & Thoughtless are not the same.

Read more ……………….. Thoughts About My Mind


“Four Free Choices”

In Life, we all have choice: As well as choosing to be being pain-free, fear-free & problem-free; I also choose to be blame-free, accident-free, need-free and limit-free.

Read more ……………………… Four Free Choices


“Reality Is Real”

The reality is that Reality is real. By definition reality is real. Yet in a relative dual reality world, an unreal reality exists. I can choose my reality to be real or unreal.

Read more …………………………… Reality is Real


“The Three Fundamental Properties of Energy”

All forms of Energy have three fundamental properties of force, magnitude & potential. The force & magnitude of an ‘Energy’ determines its potential. From a Physical perspective: The force of energy is called gravity, the magnitude of energy is called magnetism, and its potential is called electricity.

Read more ……………………………….. The Three Fundamental Properties of Energy


“Infinite, Eternal, Continuous Well-Being”

My infinite wisdom & eternal wealth ensure the continuous health of my well-being.

Read more ……………………………….. Infinite, Eternal, Continuous Well-being


“Three Negative Reactions”

Without the ability to respond with power & authority, I will react with frustration, intolerance or anger. They are negative reactions because I do not consciously choose them in my life.

Read more ………………………….Three Negative Reactions


“Three Divine Attainments”

Having the ability of a powerful connection to my true authority is Divine. That divine state of being requires the attainment of my omniscient authority & my omnipotent power, which  allows my omnipresent ability.

Read more …………………… Three Divine Attainments


“A Witness to Sarcasm or Wit”

To ‘wit’ is to know. I attest through the reasoning power of my intuitive senses. These are my wits. They are my ability to reason with emotional intelligence. I ‘bear witness’ when I attest my genuine truth.

Read more …………………… A Witness to Sarcasm or Wit


“Choosing Options Or Choice”

Choosing is deciding between options. It is deciding what I want & desire or what I need with a passion. Choosing is an option of my ego self. I have an option to choose and an option not to choose. When an option is seen as a choice, I am unaware of my true choice.

Read more ……………………… Choosing Options Or Choice


“The Indignation of Being Out of Integrity”

Indignation is the loss of self-esteem that I experience when my status is questioned. When my level of status, authority & influence is undermined or threatened, I am indignant and I suffer my indignation. When my status is threatened, my self-esteem is undermined and my indignation becomes apparent. Indignation is righteous anger.

Read more ……………… The Indignation of Being Out of Integrity


“Realising My Health, Wealth & Wisdom”

The Acquisition of Health is an oxymoron. I do not acquire health; it is mine by right. I am inherently healthy.

Read more …………………. Realising My Health, Wealth & Wisdom



“Being Agreeable with my Agreement”

Being Agreeable is the ability to agree and the ability to never disagree. Even when someone’s perspective is different to mine, I never disagree. I always agree to allow all others to agree their own perspective. I agree to allow all others to follow their own path.

Read more ………………………. Being Agreeable with my Agreement


“Three Divine Attributes”

A Divine Attribute is a state of being that I experience as being a divine state or experience. A divine state of being is experienced when connected to my source of emotional power and my source of mental authority that enables my physical ability. Divine Attributes are always an expression of the triality or triune reality of my power, authority & ability. Three such attributes are the experience of being Allowing, Approving & Accepting.

Read more ………………………… Three Divine Attributes


“Love, Light & Life”

What is Love ? What is Light? What is Life?

Read more ……………………………… Love, Light & Life


“Complimentary, Complementary, or Alternative”

A Complimentary treatment is one that is favourable or free, or both. Complementary medicine is a treatment that complements and works with, or without, modern accepted medical practice in a holistic way. Alternative medicine is a treatment that is employed instead of a modern medically accepted practice.

Read more …………….. Complimentary, Complementary or Alternative


“Being Pain Free”

Pain is the physical manifestation of negative emotion. It is not a mental concept. Pain is not in the mind at all. It is stored in my emotional body.

Read more ……………………. Being Pain Free


“The True Value of love in the Quality of Life”

The value of my life is relative to the quality of my life. The quality of life is a measure of how much value that I put into life. Quality of life is not a measure of how much value that life gives to me. I cannot take more value out of life than I put in.

Read more ………………………. The True Value of Love in the Quality of Life


“Unconditional Love”

Unconditional Love is an oxymoron. Love just Is. It is neither conditional nor unconditional.

Read more……………………………………. Unconditional Love


“An Effortless Life”

An Effortless Life is pain-free, fear-free & problem-free. The level of pain, fear & problems that I encounter in life is determined by the level of my personal, power, authority & ability.

Read more …………………………… An Effortless Life


“The Experience of Life”

The Experience of Life is a choice. I can choose to experience life in many different ways. I can choose life to be experiential, existential, eventual or evidential.

Read more ………. The Experience of Life


“Health, Wealth & Wisdom”

My Health, Wealth & Wisdom are attainments that measure the quality of my ideal life. The Happiness & Well-being of my ideal life is determined by the level of attainment of my Health, Wealth & Wisdom.

Read more ………………….. Health, Wealth & Wisdom


“Three States Of Mind”

My state of mind is important to my experience of life, therefore the state of mind that I choose is equally important to my experience of an ideal life. As always I have three choices:

Read more …………………………. Three States of Mind


“Three Perspectives of Reality”

My Perspective of Reality can be Absolute, Relative or Divine. My perspective of the absolute sees the big picture of everything as ‘we’. We are collectively all that is. The one version of everything is ‘us’. There is no ‘I’, ‘you’, or ‘they’. My perspective of the relative sees ‘you’ separate from ‘me’ and ‘they’ as separate from ‘us’. We become relative to each other, separate yet attached, individual yet collective. The one version of everything that is universal energy becomes many versions of individual reality through personal choice. My perspective of the divine overcomes the duality of relative existence so that all choices are experienced as beneficial for the growth & expansion of the whole.

Read more …………………….. Three Perspectives of Reality


“The Way I See It”

The way I see it is my view of the world. I can create my own reality with the view of my perspective, the view of my intention or the view of my vision. I can also choose to see my reality objectively, subjectively or adjectively.

Read more …………………….. The Way I See It


“The Polarity of Thinking”

Pure thought has no polarity. It is the act of thinking that polarises a thought. I either think that’s right or I think that is wrong!

Read more ………….  The Polarity of Thinking


“Being Intuitively Happy”

Being Intuitively Happy requires the fulfilment of my inspired revelations, the joy of my empowered opportunities, and the contentment of my expressions of presence.

Read more ………….  Being Intuitively Happy


“My Empathic Self”

My True Self is my Empathic Self. Empathising with my Self requires me to know my Self and to be there with my Self. It requires the empathy of my Soul.

Read more ……………….. My Empathic Self


“The Culture of Ability”

Culture means development & growth. The culture of a society is relative to its ability to develop & grow as a society, which is determined by the development & growth of its ability. As the ability of a society changes, so does its culture, and vive versa.

Read more ………………….. The Culture of Ability


“Finding Reality”

Finding my reality requires me to stop being lost. When I am lost in space & time, I have lost my true reality.

Read more ………… Finding Reality


“Repairing, Resolving, Redeeming”

Re-Pairing is mending that which is apparently divided, Re-Solving is neither solving a problem nor resolving a problem, & Re-Deeming is taking another look at what is apparent.

Read more ……………………… Repairing, Resolving & Redeeming


“Being Open”

Being Open requires the attainment of Openness. The attribute of being Open requires the attainment of an open Heart, an open Mind & an open Soul. Being Open is a state of being that is never closed to opportunity & possibility.

Read more ……………………… Being Open


“An Abundant Reality”

An Abundant Reality always has enough time and enough space. Infinite space & eternal time allow reality to be continuously abundant. The only thing that limits my abundance is my belief system.

Read more ………………………… An Abundant Reality


“Power, Potential & Intensity”

All Energy has a Power, a Potential & an Intensity. The Power of my emotional energy is relative to my ability to choose with authority. The Potential of an emotion is relative to the magnitude of its power and the force of its authority. The Intensity of an emotion is relative to its gender and the polarity of its sponsoring thought.

Read more …………………………… Power, Potential & Intensity


“Emotional Intensity”

With the emotional intelligence to balance both the polarity & the gender of my emotional energy, I will find the ideal intensity to live my ideal life in every present moment of my reality.

Read more …………………………..  Emotional Intensity


“Three Perspectives of Life”

I have a choice between Three Perspectives of Life:

  • The perspective of others
  • The perspective of my Self
  • The perspective of my Soul

I require the perspective and the authority of others to learn my ability as a baby or a Novice. I require the perspective and the ability of my Self to learn my own authority as an adolescent or a Student. I require the perspective and the authority of my Soul to learn the power of an adult or a Master.

Read more …………………………. Three Perspectives of Life


“Being Abundantly Happy”

Being Abundantly Happy is my potential. Happiness is the experience of an abundant life. An abundant life requires enough contentment, fulfilment & joy to allow my happiness.

Read more ………………………………. Being Abundantly Happy


“The Basis of Intuition”

Intuition is my inner guidance system that aligns me to my path through life. My intuitive ability is based on my sense of knowing, feeling & seeing.

Read more ………………… The Basis of Intuition


“The Ability of my Actions”

The Ability of my Actions is determined by my power & my authority to act. What I know and believe to be true has a direct effect on the action that I take. It determines the authority of my choice of action. What I feel about whatever is occurring also has a direct effect on the action that I take. It determines the power of my authority to choose.

Read more …………….. The Ability of my Actions


“Being Creative”

My ability to be healthy allows me to explore, discover & experience the wealth of wisdom that allows my healthy ability to be creative and live my ideal life of my own creation.

Read more ……………………….. Being Creative


“Just A Thought”

Positive Thinking & Pure Thought is not the same thing.

Read more …………………………. Just A Thought!


“Why I Appear to be Unattractive”

To be Attractive, I first have to know why I am both non-attractive and un-attractive and then how to overcome both.

Read more ……………………. Why I Appear to be Unattractive


The True Value of Confidence”

“Is who I am presently being, worthy of my Self because it is an expression of the True Value of my Confidence in my Soul?”

Read more …………….. The True Value of Confidence


“Leaders, Seekers, Followers, & Finders”

Once I am a Seeker of my vision, a Follower of my path, and a Finder of my purpose, I become a Leader of my own Life.

Read more …………….. Leaders, Seekers, Followers & Finders


“Three Types of Love”

In Absolute Reality there is only Love. In Relative Dual Reality Life there are Three Types of Love. They were referred to in Ancient Greek as: Eros, Philos, & Agape.

Read more ………………… Three Types of Love


“My Spiritual Growth”

My Spiritual Growth requires the Holy Communion of my Emotional Power, my Mental Authority & my Physical Ability. The personal development of my Self requires me to bring into balance my emotional power, my mental authority and my physical ability to allow the Spiritual Growth of my Soul.

Read more ………………… My Spiritual Growth


“False Evidence Appearing Real”

FEAR is an acronym for False Evidence Appearing Real. Evidence is what is evident in my reality. What Appears as evidence, I see as Real. When reality appears to be real, FEAR appears to be real. In my reality, I make fear real when I feel that fear to be real. So, how can Real Evidence Appearing Real, be False?

Read more …………………………. False Evidence Appearing Real


“Being Selfish”

Being Selfish is being my Self. Being Truly Selfish is being my Soul. It is my intention to be as my Soul is, as truly selfish as my Soul. When I am being my True Self, my Soul, I am being neither selfish nor unselfish. Selfish & unselfish are a duality.

Read more …………………………. Being Selfish


“The Drama of the Interrogator”

The Drama of the Interrogator is to criticise, condemn & complain. I criticise my frustrated ability. When my ability is frustrated and does not come up to standard, it is open to piercing criticism of what I am doing. I condemn my angry demeanour. When my power is depleted and I am in need of emotional energy, I am open to scathing sarcasm as to who I am Being. I complain about everything that I find to be intolerable and unacceptable. When my authority or choice is undermined, it is frankly open to cynicism of what I have chosen to have.

Read more ………………….. The Drama of the Interrogator


“The Seven Deadly Sins”

All 7 deadly sins are an expression of the negative male aspects of our own emotional energy. The opposing negative female aspects of our emotional energy are referred to by the church as virtues and seen as being saintly. We are all a combination of saint & sinner as determined by the sin or virtue of our emotional energy.

Read more …………………… The Seven Deadly Sins


“The Nature of True Leadership”

Natural leadership qualities are the product of the nature of the leader. A natural follower has the qualities and the nature of a follower. What decides our nature and our qualities to either lead or follow are our own unique set of emotional needs.

Read more ……………………………….. The Nature of Leadership


“Fate & Destiny”

Fate & Destiny are not the same thing; they are not a singularity. Fate and destiny are not opposing forces; they are not a duality. Fate and doom are a duality of fortune and misfortune that are the result of luck or chance.

Read more ………….. Fate & Destiny


“Control Dramas”

Control Dramas are how we compete with other people for our emotional energy. They are our sub-conscious way of gaining emotional power from and over other people. How we control the emotional energy that flows between people is a sub-conscious drama that is learned from an early age. Control Dramas are either passive or active and either introvert or extrovert.

Read more …………………… Control Dramas


“The Purpose of a Life Coach”

The Purpose of a Life Coach is to Authorise, Empower & Enable the Client. My vision for my client is for them to be in control of their own power, their own authority and be response-able for their own actions. The ability to respond to what is occurring in life effectively and beneficially requires both the power and the authority to do so. Without either power or authority, my response to life becomes a sub-conscious negative reaction.

Read more …………………….. The Purpose of a Life Coach


“Less is More; More or Less; When Enough is Enough”

More & Less is a duality and a choice. Most people want more and more, not less. Few people want less and less, not more. More or less is a choice for people who do not have enough.

Read more …………………………Less is More, More or Less, When Enough is Enough


“Pleased or Happy?”

Being Pleased will never make me happy. I am never happy being pleased, just pleased. Being pleased is better than being displeased but it is not true happiness. Expecting to be pleased is a constant source of displeasure. It is also being greedy.

Read more ………………. Pleased or Happy


“Team Leadership”

Teams follow a common vision and agreed objectives to make that vision a reality by meeting those agreed objectives. Teams are led by a common vision and agreed objectives to realise their vision by achieving their objectives. A Team Leader’s role is to facilitate the agreement of a common vision and the objectives required to attain that vision. A Team Leader does not manage the team.

Read more ……………….Team Leadership


“The Gospel of Jesus”

The Gospel of Jesus is the Good News of Jesus.

Read more ……………………. The Gospel of Jesus


“Knowing the Past, Present & Future”

Knowing the present requires an intuitive sense of knowing and the attribute of Presence. Being my Presence is the essence of knowing the present moment. Being my Essence allows me to know each moment and be present. When I feel my own presence, I receive the gift of Life. This is the
present that presents itself in each present moment of my reality.

Read more …………….Knowing the Past, Present & Future


“Personal Freedom”

My personal freedom is attained in the absence of any pain, fear or problems. It requires my power to become painless; my authority to become fearless; and my ability to effortlessly overcome any resistance that is stopping my life from being problem-free.

Read more ………….. Personal Freedom


“The Mayan Prophecy”

The Mayan Calendar measures a Long Year. A Long Year is a Solar Year of 26,000 Earth Years. It is the time it takes for the Heliosphere to complete one rotation around its directional axis, on its journey orbiting the centre of our Milky Way Galaxy.

Read more …………….. The Mayan Prophecy


“Compassion & Empathy”

The quest to attain the prime attributes of Sensitive Detachment.

Read more……………………….. Compassion & Empathy



Leadership Skills are an oxymoron. Managers have skills, Leaders have Qualities.

Read more……………………….. Leadership


“Real Freedom”

Real Freedom allows Creativity to grow.

Read more…………Real Freedom


“Human Nature”

Human Nature is the product of human personality and human character. It is the nature of a Human Being to have a personality and a character.

Read more………………………Human Nature


“Saving the Planet”

Saving the Planet is unnecessary. The planet is not in danger. The planet Earth is a living organism with a life span of millions of earth years. We are not destroying the planet. However, in many ways we are making a mess of living on it.

Read more ……………… Saving the Planet


“Emotional Intelligence”

My Emotional Intelligence is my ability to consciously comprehend my own emotional States of Being. Being ‘Emotional’ means that I am aware of the feeling that is my emotional state of being. Being ‘Intelligent’ means I have a rational knowledge or logical understanding of the situation, occurrence and circumstances that I am currently experiencing. I am Intelligent when I can consciously rationalise what is happening in my reality. I am Emotional when I can feel the awareness of my energetic state of being – my emotional energy.

Read more ……….. Emotional Intelligence


“3 Types of Attraction”

Physical Attraction (aka Sexual Attraction) is determined by the wavelength/gender of our Energy. The wavelength of our energy is divided by gender and continually seeks to become re-united and whole. We are sub-consciously seeking our sexual partner who makes us feel united and whole. Our ideal ‘soul’ mate has an energy that is equal and opposite to our own. An equal wavelength but an opposite gender. The female gender of our energy is: Connected; Sensitive; & Emotional. The male gender of our energy is: Exclusive; Detached; & Rational.

Read more ………… 3 Types of Attraction



Our Spiritual Reality is our Spirituality. Spirit is Energy and everything that is real is energy. There are 3 types of Spiritual Energy:  Mental Energy is called Thought; Emotional Energy is called Feelings; Physical Energy is called Images, Pictures or Visions. Spiritual Energy creates our Reality via our thoughts, our feelings and our visual images.

Read more ………….. Spirituality


“Life Coaching for Life Coaches”

To consciously choose our own Life requires the Ability to choose with our own Authority, and with the Power to manifest exactly what we have chosen. Our Power comes from our Well-being. It is the emotional state of our Beingness that determines our Value, our Worth and our Power. Our Authority comes from our Core Beliefs. The quality of the beliefs that we hold about life determines the Confidence that we have to create our own reality in Life. Our beliefs are the choices that we continually make as to how we see our world in reality. When we believe that we can create our own reality, then we can and we know that we do. Our Ability to realise, create and manifest a sublime life is equal to the magnitude of our emotional power (who we are being) combined with the alignment with our highest choice and vision for this life-time (why we are here) that holds our Self in our highest Esteem.

Read more …………………. Life-coaching for Life Coaches



Tiredness is a belief. Tiredness is the belief that tiredness is the result of hard work. However, doing nothing can also be very tiring. I get tired when I am bored and under occupied, and I get tired when I am overused and overworked. Tiredness is the result of living life in a state of disconnection from my True Authority. I am tired of not being ‘Connected’.

Read more……………..  “Tiredness”


“Being a Life Coach”

A coach is a guiding, supportive and authentic vehicle through which the coachee learns to live their vision, be their purpose, carry out their mission in life and to live their true values.

Read more……………..  Being A Life Coach



Relationships can be determined by type, quality and purpose. Different types of relationship can have different qualities and a different purpose. This is what makes all relationships individual and unique to those within the relationship.

Read more………………… Relationships



Victimhood affects 99.9% of the population. Almost everyone is a victim of something at some time. Only a chosen few, a few that have chosen, have taken the steps to overcome victimhood in our society today.

Read more…………… “Victimhood”


“Personal Development & Spiritual Growth”

My distinctions between the two.

Read more……….. Personal Development or Spiritual Growth


“Life Coaching & Personal Self-Development”

Defining the distinction between Personal Development and Self Development from a Life Coaching Perspective.

Read More…………. Life Coaching for Personal Self Development


“Levels of Coaching”

Coaching is a connection of two minds in communication. The role of the Coach is to ask questions. The task of the Coachee is to find the answers. The Levels of Coaching are determined by how, where, and when the Coachee accesses the answers.

Read more ……………. Levels of Coaching


“Mental Wellness”

Mental Wellness is the absence of Mental Illness, Mental Unwellness & Mental imbalance and is essential to my Emotional Well-being.

Read more ……………..Mental Wellness


“The Quality of Esteem”

The Quality of Esteem is determined by how much worth it has and the confidence placed in it. The quality of my esteem for another is a measure of how much I value them and I am able to confide in them. The quality of my own self-esteem is determined by my self-worth and my self-confidence.

Read more……………. The Quality of Esteem



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