Who Greed Is Being!

Greed is being better than other people.

It is my greed that drives me to be better than other people.

Better people appear to have a better life.

My greed wants me to have a better life.

Greed is driven by discontentment.

Whatever drives my displeasure promotes my greed.

Greed is driven by the belief that I am better than other people.

Paradoxically, my belief that I am not as good as other people motivates me to be better than them.

Greed is the male energy of superiority.

Superior males believe their females to be inferior.

A greedy male energy believes more & more is better.

Less than enough is never good for a greedy person.

Greed is who I am being without the contentment of having enough.

Paradoxically, a greedy person is perceived to have more than enough.

A humble person pleases the arrogance of a greedy person.

People who please others encourage their greed.

Greedy people are easily displeased by greedy people.

Greed promotes a competition to see who is superior.

Superiority promotes a class of greedy people.

Those who compete to please others are still guilty of their own greedy need to win.

The extremes of greed play out in the Court of Kings.

Monarchs are the kings of greed, unless they believe that they are there to please the people over whom they reign.