Who Envy Is Being!

Envy is who I am Being when I am wanting what other people have.

Envy is being desirous of someone else’s life.

It is driven by the belief that someone else’s life is better than mine.

Envy is driven by the belief that what someone else has, will make my life better.

Envy causes the emotional need to be like other people.

Envy is the feeling of being excluded because I am not like other people.

It is the feeling of not fitting in because I do not have what other people have.

Envy is driven by the need to be popular, the need to be included & the need to be liked.

Envy is the unkindness of being different to other people because they have what I do not have.

Envy causes a choice of personal path that aligns with other people.

When I align my choices with other people, I disallow the ability of my own unique, individual & exclusive path to appear.

Jealousy is my state of being when I envy what someone else is receiving what I need emotionally.

I am jealous of someone whose emotional needs are being met and mine are not.

Envy is the male energy that motivates me to be the same as other people.

Greed is the male energy that motivates me to be better than other people.