Who A Demon Is!

A Demon is who I believe a demon to be.

We all have our own demons because we all have our own beliefs.

A Demon is a belief that is not grounded in truth.

A false belief ‘of mine’ is a ‘de mon’.

A Demon is a negative attribute caused by a negative belief.

The polarity of a belief determines the polarity of its power.

Polarity is the direction of my life purpose.

With purpose it is positive and without purpose it is negative.

Following a positive path, I encounter angels and on a negative path I encounter demons.

A demon is there to remind my Self that I am off track.

A demon is one who misdirects, causes confusion & frustrates me.

A demon is one who causes chaos & resistance to my chosen path.

In actuality I am the demon who causes chaos, confusion & resistance in my life.

Demons are only endowed with the power that I afford them.

My opinion has low demonic power, my beliefs have a greater demonic power and my convictions have an intensely demonic power.

The greater my conviction, the greater the resistance, the greater the frustration and the bigger the demon.

I overcome my demons the same way that I overcome my fears.

When I face a fear I confront the demon and I disallow its power.

When I authorise my demons, I disempower my Self.

When I disempower my false demons, I empower my authority with Truth.