“Intuition Test”

Answer the following questions “Intuitively”:


Part 1


Is ‘Compassion’ male or female? _____

Is ‘Apathy’ male or female? _____

Is ‘Sympathy’ male or female? _____

Is ‘Empathy’ male or female? _____


Part 2


Is ‘Compassion’ positive or negative? _____

Is ‘Apathy’ positive or negative? _____

Is ‘Sympathy’ positive or negative? _____

Is ‘Empathy’ positive or negative? _____


Part 3


Is ‘Connected’ male or female? _____

Is ‘Rational’ male or female? _____

Is ‘Detached’ male or female? _____

Is ‘Exclusive’ male or female? _____

Is ‘Emotional’ male or female? _____

Is ‘Sensitive’ male or female? _____


Part 4


Is ‘Connected’ positive or negative? _____

Is ‘Rational’ positive or negative? _____

Is ‘Detached’ positive or negative? _____

Is ‘Exclusive’ positive or negative? _____

Is ‘Emotional’ positive or negative? _____

Is ‘Sensitive’ positive or negative? _____


Part 5


Is ‘Disconnected’ male or female? _____

Is ‘Irrational’ male or female? _____

Is ‘Attached’ male or female? _____

Is ‘Inclusive’ male or female? _____

Is ‘Unemotional’ male or female? _____

Is ‘Insensitive’ male or female? _____


Part 6


Is ‘Disconnected’ positive or negative? _____

Is ‘Irrational’ positive or negative? _____

Is ‘Attached’ positive or negative? _____

Is ‘Inclusive’ positive or negative? _____

Is ‘Unemotional’ positive or negative? _____

Is ‘Insensitive’ positive or negative? _____




1. If you have completed this test, you intuitively know that Energetic States of Being have both an opposing gender, which is either male or female, and an opposing polarity, which is either positive or negative.

2. You have solved the paradox of “Like Attracts Like” and “Opposites Attract” because Opposite Genders attract each other and Like Polarities are attractive to each other.

3. Becoming Empathically-Compassionate; Exclusively-Connected; Sensitively –Detached; and Emotionally-Rational; has just become a possibility.

4. If you failed to complete this test, then you are only using the Left half of your brain.

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