What My Crown Chakra Does!

My Crown Chakra is my frequency modulator.

It chooses the mode in which I receive thoughts.

It is the modem through which, I receive cosmic thoughts.

Cosmic Thought is my electro-magnetic connection to my Universal Mind.

Cosmic Thoughts originate in the super-consciousness of the Universal Mind.

My super-conscious mind transmits cosmic thoughts from my universal source.

My Individual Self receives thoughts in my conscious mind via my crown chakra.

In my three dimensional reality, my frequency modulator has three settings.

The Beta wavelength of my physical consciousness tunes in between 16-31 cycles per second when I am awake.

The Theta wavelength of my sub-conscious mind tunes out between 4-7 cycles per second when I am asleep.

The Alpha rythm of my meditative state connects at 8-15 cycles per second.

In a relative duality, my mind is either awake or asleep and my mental state of reality is relative to my level of consciousness.

When spiritually awakened to my energetic source, I am able to make a connection in my mind through my crown chakra.

Opening the crown chakra is the realisation that I am a spiritual Being having a physical experience of life.

This opening allows me to modulate my thoughts, between awake & asleep, in a middle state called meditation.

This middle or medium state of mentally being connects the conscious mind of my Self to the super-conscious thoughts of my Soul, through the modem of my Crown Chakra.