What Dementia Is!

Dementia is the inability of the brain to process mind energy efficiently.

The brain is a physical organ that processes the mental energy of the Mind.

Dementia is a mental incapacity due to an unhealthy brain.

A healthy brain receives, transmits & processes mind energy at the speed of light.

This allows an almost instantaneous connection of the conscious mind to the unconscious Mind.

The unconscious Mind communicates with the conscious mind via the modem of the brain.

Transmission speed & communication quality is relative to the mental health of the brain.

A belief that the brain is old and is worn out contracts an illness called senile dementia.

The conscious mind is active when the brain is awake and connecting on a Beta frequency between 16-31 cycles per second.

When the brain’s frequency modulator becomes slow or stuck, it cannot instantly connect to the unconscious Mind.

This not only impairs mental capacity but also emotional competence & physical capability.

Being focused in the present moment is never a problem.

However, being unable to access short term memory can severely inhibit safe physical activity.

Running unsupervised on a faulty sub-conscious auto-pilot can have disastrous consequences.

The inability to consciously rectify a sub-conscious action can be embarrassing & humiliating.

An active conscious mind necessitates a healthy functioning brain.

An underactive contracting conscious mind is a prime cause of dementia at any age.

An expansive connected conscious mind is never demented.