What Subtle Energy Is!

Subtle Energy is Spiritual Energy.

Spiritual energy is Intuitive energy.

Intuitive energy is non-physical energy?

Non-physical energy is spiritual in nature.

Subtle energy is how Spirit communicates with its physical Self.

Physical energy, or matter, vibrates at a frequency within the range of my physical senses.

My physical senses detect vibrations of audible sound, visible light, physical touch, taste & smell.

My intuitive senses are my subtle senses.

They are the subtle senses of seeing without sight, feeling without touch & knowing without prior knowledge.

Subtle energy vibrates at the high level of my super-conscious Soul or Inner Tutor.

Man has not yet invented a machine to measure the vibrational rate of super-conscious intuitive mental thought.

As yet, it is too subtle for rational science to comprehend.

The paradox is that science only recognises that which it can physically measure, so it does not have the subtle sense to intuit a way of recognising non-physical energy.

To science, subtle energy is counter-intuitive.

My spiritual nature comprises of subtle energy that I am aware is intuitive and I am aware that  without intuition, I am unaware of my subtle energy.

Subtle energy is my awareness of my spiritual nature.