“Being A Life Coach”

A Life Coach is a guiding, supportive and authentic vehicle through which the coachee learns to live their vision, be their purpose, carry out their mission in life and to live their true values.

A coach is guiding, supportive and authentic as in ‘guiding angel’ or ‘supportive assistant’ or ‘authentic friend‘. These terms are adjectives and define the ‘adjective’ manner in which the coach is being.

Being a guiding coach is hearing the coachee’s messages that enable the coachee to follow their path. It is not directing a client to do what the coach thinks is right for the client or advising the client to follow the path of the coach. Advising or telling a client what to do is the role of a consultant, an instructor or a teacher. Offering guidance or giving direction may be subjective or objective but it is never adjective. A guiding coach has the skill of listening.

Listening enables the coachee to ‘hear their own messages’ which are available in every present moment to guide them on their path. Their path is their waytowards their vision. Being a guiding coach requires the coach to be sensitive to the states of being of the coachee yet totally detached from all issues and outcomes. Being a guiding coach requires an intimaterelationship where the coach is fully ‘there’ for the coachee.

A guiding coach gives the coachee the ability to fully seetheir vision in life.

Being a supportive coach is connecting the coachee to their power or empowering them on their path. It is not motivating, encouraging or beasting a client to do what the coach thinks is right for the client. If we are having to give our power to the client in order for them to carry out a task we are doing the role of a trainer, a supervisor or a motivator. We may be giving them the power to do what it is we think they should be doing but we are not connecting them to the source of their own power which is truly empowering. A supportive coach has the skill of empowering which is connecting the coachee to their ‘source’. Their source is their truthwhich connects them to their purpose. Being a supportive coach requires the coach to be exclusively tuned in to the coachee yet totally connected to their own source. Being a supportive coach requires a lovingrelationship free of all fear, hate, conflict and need. A supportive coach gives the coachee the power to fully feeltheir purpose in life.

Being an authentic coach is detaching the coachee from their limiting beliefs, emotional needs and control dramas so that they become the author of their own life. It is not introducing them to the words of great leaders, philosophers or gurus with enlightened beliefs who appeared to be living their own destinies. To follow someone else’s path is our fate not our destiny and we are not here to copy someone else’s life story but to write our own. If we are giving examples of an ideal path to our client we are mentoring, ministering or counselling them not guiding and supporting them to write their own authentic ‘lifestory.

An authentic coach has the skill of strategising. Strategising is connecting the coachee to the blueprint for their life. It is the covenant they made with their god before commencing their mission to the physical realm of planet earth. Their strategy is the divine plan for their ‘life’. It is their mission in life. Being an authentic coach requires the coach to interpret the coachee’s messages in both a rational and emotional way so that they may live in this world knowing that they are not of this world. Being an authentic coach requires a crediblerelationship with the coachee where the coach gives the coachee the total authority to live their own life. An authentic coach puts the coachee in the driving seat and gives them the authority to knowtheir mission in life.

To sum up:

Being A Life Coach is being:

  • Guiding; Supportive; Authentic.
  • Listening; Empowering; Strategising
  • The Way; The Truth; The Life.
  • Sensitively-Detached; Exclusively-Connected; Emotionally-Rational
  • Loving; Intimate; Credible.
  • Seeing; Feeling; Knowing

These are not skills but states of Being.

Being A Life Coach is connecting the coachee to their:

  • Vision; Purpose; Mission
  • Ability; Power; Authority.
  • Light; Love; Life
  • Wealth; Health; Wisdom
  • Prudence; Fortitude; Temperance
  • Presence; Clarity; Direction




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