What Excitement Is!

Excitement is the feeling of the Soul’s emotional power.

When my Soul is empowering my Self, I feel excited with exciting energy.

It is my emotional state of Being that is being excited.

I am excited in the experience of what my Soul is guiding me to be, to do or to have.

I am in a state of doing or having what my Soul feels is exciting.

I am feeling my Soul’s exciting state of being when I am doing or having what excites me.

I am in alignment with my Soul’s choice for its Self when I feel excitment.

When I polarise my excitement through the negative perspective of a false belief or a fear, I feel nervous.

Being nervous is my experience of being negatively excited.

Nervous energy disempowers my Self and can even paralyse me with fear.

Excited energy positively inspires my actions & my experiences.

With excitement there is no fear, anxiety or resistance.

With fear, anxiety or resistance, I get very nervous.

I always have a choice of whether I polarise my experience with a positive or a negative choice of perspective.

A negative perspective of what is occurring, I experience as nerves.

A positive perspective of what is occurring, I experience as excitement.

I interpret a neutral feeling of what is occurring as being neither excited nor nervous.

When I am neither nervous nor excited, there is no opportunity for my Soul to expand & grow and I am not empowered to act.

Excitement is my outward expression of my Soul’s Incitement.