What Free Will Is!

Free Will is the choice of the Soul for its Self.

The choice of the Soul is the consconscious thought of the Mind.

With conscious thought, the mind has choice.

The choice of the Soul is to experience consciousness as its Self.

Free Will is the choice of the conscious mind.

The conscious mind is a thinking sense of Self.

The conscious sense of self is the ego.

The ego is a construct of the conscious thinking mind.

 I am who I believe myself to be.

When I believe that I have free will, I do.

When I express a choice, I exercise free will.

Free will is enabled by personal emotional power.

Emotion powers, or disempowers, the will of the ego self.

When disempowered, I have a need for emotional energy.

The emotional need for power negatively charges the will.

A negatively charged will appears to have no choice.

A negative emotional charge negates free will.

The mental force that is acting against free will is called a limiting belief or a fear.

Fear creates a negative charge of ‘I will not’.

I will is the power of a motivated ego.

When motivated, I am free to express my will.

Unfortunately, motivation is usually the force of someone else’s will that I am expressing.

The will of my Self is only freely flowing when it is aligned & empowered from the Heart of my Soul.

When the mind of my Self is in conflict with the heart of my Soul, free will has a negative emotional charge.

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