What Conditional Love Is!

Conditional Love is emotional energy that is given or received with conditions.

Love is given & received with conditions according to an agenda.

The conditions that meet my agenda determine if or how I give & receive love.

When love is not given in a receivable condition, it is refused.

When love is not received in a given condition, it is withheld.

The conditions under which love is given or received make it conditional.

It is not the conditions but the fact that there are conditions that make love conditional.

The Soul has no conditional agenda.

Pure love flows from Source without conditions.

The Soul’s love for its Self is unconditional.

It is my selfish love of, or for, other people that has conditions.

Selfish love can be given & received with either selfish or unselfish conditions.

It is only the True Self that is unconditional.

Conditional love is given & received under the condition that it meets an emotional need.

The condition of an emotion determines whether it meets an emotional need or not.

Sharing my love with another is conditional on my having some aspect of love to share with them.

It is also conditional on them either needing or having that aspect of love to share with me.

Sharing my love with someone who needs my love, when I need their love, is divisive & conditional.

It is the condition of my emotional state of being that makes my love for myself, or my love for another, conditional.

An aspect of love is determined by the condition of the frequency of its sponsoring thought..

The condition of a wavelength of emotion is relative to how I feel about it.

All wavelengths of emotion are the condition of an aspect of love, which makes them an aspect of conditional love.

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