Who Being At Choice Is Being!

Being at choice is being connected to the authority of the Soul.

The authority of the Soul is ever empowered.

Being at choice is feeling empowered to choose.

It is feeling empowered to choose with the authority of the Soul.

An authorised choice is an empowered choice.

When I align with the choice of my Soul, I am emotionally connected & I feel my power.

When I feel my power, I know that I am enabled to fulfil my choice.

Being at choice is who I am being when I am connected to the power of the Soul.

The Soul never disallows my emotional power.

My power derives through my emotional state of being amd is always potentially available.

I am at choice when I am aligned with my Soul.

When being aligned with my Soul’s choice is my choice, I am at choice.

I am always free to choose a different choice as my Soul is always free to choose a different choice.

My different choice may or may not be aligned with my true path.

I am only empowered to follow my true path.

My not being at choice is how I recognise that I am off track & not aligned with my path.

This is how I intuitively see that there is another way in life.

Being at choice is seeing the effortless way in life.

The only reason for not choosing an effortless path in life is my belief that I have no choice but to follow another path.

Being at choice is a choice that is always divine.

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