What The Golden Rule Is!

The Golden Rule is how I choose to apply the Law of Attraction in my Life.

Doing unto others as others have done unto me is never golden as a rule.

As a rule, an eye for an eye & a tooth for a tooth is called revenge.

I choose to be unto others as I choose others to be unto me.

This is my choice because, by the law of attraction, as I am being unto others, I attract others to be unto me.

I attract other people who are vibrating on a like frequency of thought & a like wavelength of emotion.

The state of being of other people is a direct reflection of my own emotional state of being.

The Golden Rule is that as I consciously create my own reality, I draw unto myself others who are creating a similar reality.

The beliefs that I hold will attract others with either similar or opposing beliefs.

My Golden Rule is to allow all other people to follow their own path because this allows me to follow my own path.

When I treat all others as my equal, all others treat me as their equal.

When I act from the goodness of love, all others act in a good & loving way towards me.

The Golden Rule is to love thy Neighbour as thy Self, because every acquaintance that I attract is a reflection of the energy that I am expressing to the world at that time.

The Golden Rule is to be at One with other people in harmony & accord yet sensitively detached from other people & following my own exclusive path.

It is being apart from the reality of other people whilst being a part of the reality of other people.

The Golden Rule is the 2nd Commandment of Jesus.

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