What The 1st Commandment Of Jesus Is!

The 1st Commandment of Jesus is to Love the Lord thy God with all thy Heart, all thy Soul, all thy Mind & all thy Strength.

This is the vision of Jesus Christ that aligned him on his spiritual path.

It is a spiritual purpose that has deep spiritual meaning.

Spirit is energy, so to understand the spiritual meaning, I am required to define the spiritual meaning or find the spiritual mean for this path.

To Love something is to resonate in vibrational harmony with it.

To follow a commandment is to vibrate in balance with its meaning, on purpose and in good faith.

The Lord thy God is one’s own Divine Creative Entity.

Jesus commands that his Divine Entity is a four dimensional Being.

Our Divine Beingness has four dimensions of physicality, mentality, emotionality & spirituality.

It is the physical, mental, emotional & spiritual reality that is the essence of our Beingness.

My spiritual entity is my Soul that is a three part Being, which is physical, mental & emotional.

My emotional entity is my Heart that is a two part Being, which is physical & mental.

My mental entity is my Mind  that is a single physical entity, which is incarnate in the material world.

My Strength is to combine in its entirety, my mental mind & my emotional heart as my spiritual Soul in the reality of my physical body.

My Spiritual Soul is the Lord my God that I worship with all my heart, meditate with all my mind & pray with all my strength on my personal path of Spiritual Ascension.

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