What Success Is!

Success is a personal perspective.

How I personally perceive life to be happening determines my perspective of success.

When I perceive that life is happening to me, I react to life and I need to learn knowledge & skills, in order to accomplish tasks & actions successfully.

Once I succeed in knowledgibly & skillfully accomplishing tasks, I can make life happen by me.

When I perceive life to be happening by me, I am pro-active and I can set goals & objectives to achieve.

I am no longer a victim of life happening to me, when life is successfully happening by me.

I fail to succeed when I run out of emotional power.

I succeed in connecting to my emotional power when I allow life to happen through me.

Being allowing is an emotional attribute that I attain.

Attaining better emotional states of being that I can attribute to my Self raises my emotional power and allows success to flow through me.

When life happens as me, I am totally connected to the source of my empowered inspiration.

At this super-conscious Soul level, I am effortlessly fulfilling my vision, mission & purpose for this lifetime.

Success is fulfilling the reason that I am here on purpose, with meaning, by defining who I really am.

Success is doing what I have chosen to have true value for me in this life-time.

My true values are experienced through the empowered & inspired actions that are in alignment with my Soul.

When I become accomplished and achieve my goal to attain the power, authority & ability to enjoy a life of true value, I am being successful.

I see that I can never fail to live the successful life that my Soul has chosen for its Self.

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