What Courage Is!

Courage is the emotional competence to overcome fear.

Fear is a debilitating belief that drains emotional power.

Overcoming an emotional energy drain caused by a fear requires courage.

Courage is the emotional power required to overcome victimhood.

When I am a victim of my perspective that life is happening to me, I need courage to make life happen by me.

Bravery is the mental capacity to overcome pain.

Positive brave male energy neutralises negative female pain.

Positively courageous female energy balances out negative male fear.

Valour is the combination of courage & bravery that overcomes any problem of fear or pain.

It is the problem of fear or pain that inhibits inspired action in life.

Encouragement is the emotional power that I need from another to overcome my fear of failure.

I can encourage another to overcome their fear as long as they are brave enough to confront their pain.

When I am inspired & empowered to take action, there is no fear or pain present.

With the courage & bravery to overcome fear & pain, I can develop the faith to allow life to happen through me.

Faith is the mental capacity to allow life to effortlessly happen through me, without the problem of fear or pain being present.

Valour is my award for emotional courage & mental bravery.

Faith is my reward for living my life valiantly.

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