What Pain Is!

Pain is the effect of low emotional energy.

The cause of low emotional energy is mental fear.

Fear causes a build up of negative emotion that eventually will be released as pain.

Fear is a false belief that is held in the body as negative emotional energy.

Pain is a signal that too much negative mental energy is stored in the body.

When negative energy is released by the body the experience is one of pain.

The belief that fear is emotional & pain is physical causes a big problem.

Until I change a false belief, it will continue to negate my emotional power.

Negative emotional power is the absence of emotional power & the presence of pain.

Releasing negative emotion is painful because that is what pain is.

Painful negative emotion is the reason people suppress emotion.

Suppressing emotion only suppresses the pain temporarily.

The more I suppress my emotions the more painful their eventual release will be.

The pain threshold is the emotional energy threshold.

They are the same thing seen from opposing perspectives.

Pain is a negative level of emotional power being expressed.

It can be seen as the lack of emotional power or the presence of negative emotional pain.

Suppressing negativity stores it in the body.

Mentally releasing negativity is the pathway to becoming emotionally pain free.

Being painless is the empowering way to live on a path from painful to pain free.

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