What Hyperbole Is!

Hyperbole is the exaggeration of an energy flow.

Exaggerating an energy flow, in a restricted space, causes an ingoing & an outgoing vortex.

This double coned shape vortex is called a hyperboloid.

A double vortex allows the paradox of both clockwise & anticlockwise spin within the hyperboloid.

The hyperboloid allows the duality of perspective, as it appears to spin clockwise seen from one direction & anticlockwise viewed from the opposing perspective.

To say that two opposing realities exist in the same space at the same time is a paradox that is caused by an exaggeration of the truth.

The Truth is a flow of pure thought energy.

When I exaggerate the truth, I restrict the magnitude of its space as its power is diluted.

This dilution in power, caused by a restriction in space, is called inertia.

It is the deceleration of energy through a restricted space that causes the double vortex of an hyperboloid.

It is the duality of the hyperboloid that causes inertial chaos, the vortex, on the order of accelerating energy, its flow.

It is the accelerating inertia of the spinning vortices that create both the orbit & rotation of its surrounding torus.

The hyperbole of the hyperboloid is that it is the hole in the centre of a toroidal donut ring.

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