What Loyalty Is!

Loyalty is the allegiance that I follow. 

I am loyal to whoever I allege to be my guidance. 

I am a loyal follower to whoever I choose to lead me. 

I allege my loyalty by following a lead. 

I actuality, I am led by my own beliefs. 

Loyalty is my conviction in what I believe to be best for me. 

I am loyal to what I believe is the best choice for myself. 

I am loyal to someone else’s truth. 

I am loyal to someone else’s path. 

I am loyal to someone else’s guidance. 

I am loyal to someone else’s confidence. 

When I am confident of my own guidance on my own true path, I have faith. 

Faith is my intuitive knowing the path of my Soul. 

Loyalty is my adherence to the guidance of an external doctrine or creed. 

It is my conviction in the beliefs of others. 

Arrogant leaders need loyal followers. 

Confident leaders follow their own faith. 

I owe allegiance to no Man. 

I choose alliance with my Soul. 

My Soul is never disloyal to its Self. 

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