What Libido Is!

Libido is free flowing sexual energy. 

Sexual energy is divided by gender, which seeks to be whole. 

The drive for sexual energy to become whole is called libido. 

Libido flows freely when the wants & desires of the conscious ego align with the passions & needs of the sub-conscious id. 

The emotional needs of the sub-conscious id naturally drive towards sexual union unless they are blocked by fears or limiting beliefs. 

The conscious desires of the ego Self lust after what is wanted, which may or may not empower the flow of libido. 

Lust is the force of libido & love is its power. 

When love & lust are in balance, sexual energy flows freely in unity. 

Passion is the magnitude of libido & desire is its authority. 

The extent to which I passionately desire another is relative to the magnitude of the force of my libido. 

When lust is without passion or when love is without desire, flow is restricted & libido is blocked. 

My libido is my empowered force of love for my Self. 

The spiritual energy of the Soul is never divided by sex or gender, as it flows effortlessly & continuously as love for its Self. 

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