What An Ideal Life Is!

An Ideal Life is the experience of an Ideal Reality.

An ideal reality allows ideas to become realised.

My idea for life is ideal for me.

My ideal life is the realistion of my ideas.

An idea is a what if?

Three dimensional physical reality is ideal for my Self to explore, discover, experience & experiment with the question: What if?

Life is the vehicle through which I get to choose what is ideal for my Self.

What is ideal for my Self is what I deal to my Self in life.

Three dimensional spiritual existence is ideal to discover who I really Am.

Relative dual reality allows my Self to choose the aspects of who I am that are ideal and to overcome the aspects of myself that are not ideal.

The circumstances that I deal for my Self to experience through life are ideal to explore my divine nature.

I am able to express my divine nature as my ideal, in life.

Being divine is only ideal when I bring my divinity to life.

The realisation of my divine nature through the experience of material life is presently ideal for me.

An ideal life is my gift to my Self in each present moment.

As my ideas are unique to my Self, my ideal life is exclusively mine.

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