What An Effortless Life Is!

An Effortless Life is free of pain, free of fear & free of problems.

A problem is a pain that is caused by a fear.

A pain is a lack of emotional power, which is a problem.

A fear is a false belief that is caused by low emotional energy.

An Effortless Life is authorised, empowered & enabled.

Any lack of authority causes a lack of power and an inability to flow with life.

My life is designed to flow effortlessly through me.

Any resistance that I offer to life, blocks the flow and causes effort.

Effort is my attempt to overcome my resistance to the flow of life.

Removing all the blockages allows an effortless life.

When life happens to me, I feel the effect of the blockage.

When life happens by me, I cause the blockage.

Any blockage to the flow of beneficial energy in my life is caused by my own resistance, whether I am aware of it or not.

Resistance is caused by a conviction in a false beleif.

Intense resistance to life is called a fear.

Fear drains emotional power & causes pain.

Whatever causes my pain, I see as a problem.

Solving problems only temporariliy relieves pain & alleviates fear but does not allow life to be effortless.

An effortless life requires less effort, whereas, solving problems takes a lot of effort.

With too many fears & too much pain, I have to many problems that makes for a chaotic life to become a potential disaster.

When I challenge my beliefs, I can change my perspective & overcome my problems by seeing the opportunity that is being presented.

Once problem-free, I am empowered to become free of fear & able to learn my life lessons.

As I learn my lessons, I raise my emotional power, become pain-free & able to hear my messages.

Hearing my messages of divine authority allows me to effortlessly live the ideal life of my own vision with purpose.

When I do not hear my messages, I cannot learn my lessons and I face a continuous life of chaotic problems, disempowered by my fears of my potentially disastrous demise.

An Effortless Life occurs naturally when I allow life to flow through me, unrestricted, along my own true path.

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