The Same & Equal

The Same and Equal are different. Doing the same things as other people does not make me their equal.

Being the same is having a similarity to other people.

Being equal qualifies the quality of my emotional power and my mental authority.

When my spiritual energy is balanced, its purity is equalised. When I equalise the gender, polarity & intensity of my energy vibration, I balance its quality & purity. I am equal to my potential when my energy is balanced & pure.

I can be equally in balance with another, yet expressing a different emotional state of being with a different mental perspective.

Same has a gender opposite of different. Same is feminine & inclusive, whereas different is male & exclusive.

Equal has a polar opposite of unequal. Equality is positively in balance with a pure quality of emotion. I can be similarly negative as another but not equally negative. I can be either equally positive or unequally negative. Equality is a quality, which is always positive and never negative.

Unequal means out of balance. When out of balance, I am not the equal of my divine potential. Being out of balance is what makes us all different.

I can be similarly equally balanced as another, whilst doing different things and following a different path. We all have different paths in life, to follow with equal potential for personal spiritual growth.

I am the equal of all others but in many ways, I am not the same as them.

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