Seven Essentials For Spiritual Creativity

Intuition is how I sense my spirituality. It is how I spiritually know, feel & see the clarity & direction of my personal growth. I can only know who I am spiritually with intuitive insight. I can only see my spiritual destiny with my inner sight. I can only feel my positively empowered emotion with inspiration. Intuition is my spiritual guidance system. I sense my spiritual path intuitively.

Intuition is innate, which means that we are all born with it. We are all born, in nate, with a pure connection to our spiritual Soul. Most people lose this innate connection within the first five years of life. When I lose my innate connection to Source, I lose my spiritual guidance system and I replace it with a capacity for intellectual reasoning. By suppressing my innate intuitive senses, I allow the rational learning of intellectual reasoning based on my five physical senses alone.

By disconnecting my intuitive awareness and consciously learning rational intellectual reasoning, I am then able to merge them with the attainment of conscious-awareness and emotional intelligence. Instead of working with either five physical senses or three spiritual senses, I have the capacity & competence to use all eight personal senses in a unique and individual way.

Being a spiritual entity, living in physical existence, is best experienced using both my physical & intuitive senses. Whereas intuition is spiritually innate, rational logic has to be learned in physical reality.

Initiative is essential to be able to initiate creative growth. Growth comes through the initiation of new ideas. New inspired ideas come from my creative imagination.

Imagination is both intuitive and innate. Initiating new imaginatively intuitive ideas into physical manifestation requires the capacity for intellectual reasoning. New ideas work in physical reality when they reasonably & intellectually fit in with the status quo. Making intuitively imaginative insights work is a reasonably intellectual exercise that requires inspirational emotional power.

Inspiration is the emotional power that drives innovation. Initiative imagines an innovative insight intuitively, whereas inspiration is the power to create or manifest that idea into physical reality.

Initiating a new innovative insight into an old or existing reality requires an intuitive inspiration for creative invention. Every new invention started life as an intuitive innovation in the imagination of its inventor and manifested through their innate, inspiration & initiative. Without imagination, there is no ability for creative spiritual growth of any kind.

Imagination is the Creative Mind of the Creator.

The Seven Essential Tools of an Imaginative Creator are Intuition, Insight, Initiative, Intellect, Invention, Innovation & Inspiration.

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