The Evolution Of The Soul

The Evolution of the Soul, through relative physical experience in space-time-reality, is not limited to one human lifetime. The evolution of the Soul is expansive, unlimited, infinite, eternal & continuous.

In my current physical lifetime, my Soul is transforming from the Piscean Age of comfort & security to the Aquarian Age of awareness. Having transcended the Arian Age of survival in previous lifetimes and subsequently mastered my experience of comfort & security, it is now time to embrace a new age of spiritual awareness.

From a spiritual perspective, each Age lasts for a period of circa 2000 Earth Years or 2160 orbits of the Earth around the Sun.

From a purely physical perspective, each Individual Human lifetime survives from birth, through dependency as a child, to an adulthood of the comfort & security of co-dependence & inter-dependence; with an opportunity to awaken into an older age of inter-developmental wisdom & awareness.

Awakening to the age of elder awareness allows an inter-developmental relationship with the support & guidance of one’s Soul. It allows an awareness of the Soul’s purpose for its Self in this lifetime’s journey through the physical realm. It starts with an awareness of one’s own unique, individual & exclusive vision, mission & purpose for this lifetime.

My time in survival happened to me, my time in comfort & security happened by me and my new time of awareness, I am now allowing to happen through me.

Whereas opportunities for ascension through physical experience are coded within the annals of relative time, the Soul is not confined to the limitations of linear space-time-reality. My awareness already informs me that having mastered this new age, future opportunities to evolve through a new Capricorn Age are available on Earth, commencing in the year 4172AD.

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