Opening My Heart

My Heart Opened when I intuitively perceived it to be the source of my mental wisdom, my emotional power and my spiritual ability.

As a brain-centred, emotionally disconnected, intellectual human being; my physical experience of life was severely inhibited:

  • My flow was static
  • My inertia was resistant
  • My entropy was chaotic
  • My mental perspective was out of alignment with my emotional perception

Opening my Heart reconnected my three intuitive senses:

  • My intuitive knowing allowed mental alignment
  • My intuitive feeling allowed emotional balance
  • My intuitive seeing allowed physical harmony

With an Open Heart, I intuitively realised the Source of my Spiritual Energy System is at the core of my heart centre. Mental, emotional & physical energy springs forth as the Essence of my Heart. My core essence is my Soul’s Spirit.

My personal spiritual power, authority & ability is in alignment with my Source, which I call my Soul. My Soul is the source of my mental wisdom, my emotional wealth & my physical health.

My destiny is to transcend the duality of a relative existence, by transforming the perspective of the ego, through my alignment with my Soul. It is to ascend out of the hell of a negative physical survival, through the strife of a safe & comfortable existence, to absolutely thrive as a divine expression of life in my own ideal version of heaven on Earth.

My mission for my life is to spiritually evolve from a victim who is surviving, through a trial of striving, to the opportunity of thriving; in a physical world, as a Human Being with an expansively Open Heart.

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