Goodness & Righteousness

Goodness is the quality of my inspired intuitive revelations. Intuitively inspired revelations are personally good and beneficial. They feel good because inspiration is divinely empowered.

Goodness is inspired with grace. Grace is my connection with good authority. I have it on good authority that my grace is empowered. Good authority is exclusively aligned with grace and delivered with gentleness.

Goodness has a high magnitude and a low force. It is the power of intuitive perception.

Righteousness has a high force and a low magnitude. It is the authority of intellectual reasoning.

Discerning what is right is a righteous judgment between good or bad & right or wrong. The path of righteousness follows the moral, ethical & principle path of religious & theological thinkers.

Righteous leaders determine the path for righteous followers.

Righteousness is my fate.

Goodness is my destiny.

My destiny always feels good, whereas my fate may feel fortunate or doomed. A moral & ethical path may feel good or bad. I may choose it or resist it. I may feel that I should or I shouldn’t follow it.

Being righteous has a duality of being sanctimonious. I follow another’s direction when I believe it to be a righteous path. I resist another’s direction when I believe it to be sanctimonious.

Righteousness & Goodness are not a duality of authority & power. Goodness is my authority that enables my Grace and allows my Gentleness to effortlessly flow. Righteousness is the opposite of wrongness. Wrongness or misdirection is the ignorance of having no ethical or moral compass that is in alignment with other’s convicted beliefs.

Righteousness is the duty that one pays for allegiance to others.

My Goodness is a personal connection in alignment with my own divine choice. All of my divine choices are made with Goodness because it enables my own divine authority. Righteousness authorises other people’s collective choice.

Righteousness is a religious doctrine.

Goodness is a spiritual attainment.

I always have a choice between what feels good and what seems right. Good authority is always beneficial. Right authority can be wrong as well as left. Right brain authority is personally creative & imaginative. Left brain thinking follows the status quo. What is right for me can be wrong for another and what is deemed righteous by others can feel wrong for me.

When my intuition is left behind, I miss what is right in front of me and I default to what others believe is right for me.

My Soul is ever Goodness in Spirit, never righteousness incarnate.

My righteousness makes other people wrong.

My Goodness allows others to feel good.

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