A Sense Of Destiny

Destiny is whatever the Soul has chosen for its Self to attain through the experience of a physical lifetime.

A Sense is how I make sense of the experience, so the experience makes sense.

My physical senses reveal my physical experiences.

My intuitive senses reveal the experience of my spiritual destiny.

The life-path of my destiny is a beneficial journey of spiritual growth for my Soul Entity.

Neither the physical achievement of my aims & objectives nor the accomplishment of my skills & knowledge are of interest to my Soul. My sole interest and my soul purpose is the attainment of quality emotional attributes.

Quality attributes become divine attainments, once the Soul has experienced them as an expression of its Self. The purpose of physical existence is for the Soul to experience its True Identity as its Self. The Soul learns its True Essence through the true expression of its Self. A sense of Self is essential to fulfil this purpose of a divine true expression. My sense of Self is called my Ego.

Emotion is the quality of feeling that the Soul has for its Self. Pure Soul emotion is divine. A sense of purpose allows the Self to explore, discover & experience the divine identity of its Soul. The Self is on a mission through life to divine the quality attainments of the Soul.

I cannot see, hear, taste, smell or touch emotion. My five physical senses are unaware of my emotional state of being. The awareness of being emotional and the awareness of being an emotive Being are intuitive insights. My inner sight sees the outer world from the inner perspective of the Soul through my third eye.

The third eye is my intuitive sense of seeing, which compliments my intuitive sense of gut feeling and my intuitively knowing the inklings of my wits. Intuitive senses are the subtle senses of an all knowing Mind, an all feeling Heart & an all seeing Soul. My Soul sees what my Heart feels and my Mind knows.

I can only know my destiny intuitively. I can only see my vision & mission intuitively. I can only feel my emotional purpose intuitively. Emotion is an intuitive feeling. I may be touched by emotion but I cannot physically put my finger on it. I can only know my emotional feelings intuitively. I either feel them intuitively or know them intuitively, you see!

The Soul is my Spiritual Beingness, Entity or Essence. Being spiritual is being a spiritual Being experiencing a physical existence. The essence or energy of a Spiritual Being is emotion. The Soul’s energy in motion is called emotion.

The sole sense of emotion is intuitive as I cannot feel it physically. Emotion is not physical, so cannot be sensed with the physical senses. The Soul is a pure expression of emotion called Love, which is prime, natural & divine. The Soul is first cause, a natural effect and a divine experience.

I can only see, know & feel spiritual or emotional energy intuitively. Therefore, I can only ever explore, discover & experience aspects of emotionality, intuitively.

Intuition is the sense that allows my Self to explore, discover & experience my Destiny.

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