Effortless Productivity

Productivity is effortless when it facilitates the expansive growth of the producer.

The opportunity for productivity is the growth of the producer.

When the focus is on what is produced rather than the development of the producer, dissatisfaction may arise.

The challenge of a producer is contentment.

Whereas satisfaction may be achieved with the product, contentment can only be achieved by the producer.

Being content with the opportunity that productivity allows is different from the satisfaction of what is being produced.

Satisfaction may be compromised by dissatisfaction whereas contentment just is.

When dissatisfaction is the outcome of productivity, there is a problem.

When productivity is disabled by insufficient power, it is a problem.

Problems create an uncomfortable environment.

When the producer is uncomfortable, productivity is compromised.

A chaotic workplace produces painful experiences.

An effortless workplace is comfortable with problems, has satisfactory lessons and produces joyful opportunities for contentment.

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