Addictive Substance

There is no such thing as an addictive substance.

However, there are many substances that I can become addicted to.

An addiction is not caused by a substance.

Regularly taking a substance doesn’t necessarily create an addiction.

An addiction occurs when I cannot live without regularly taking a particular substance into my body.

It is my emotional need for a substance that causes the addiction not the substance itself.

My addiction is to the ‘shot’ or ‘high’ of emotional energy that I get from a substance.

If I have no emotional attachment to a substance, there will be no addictive effect.

Addiction is an emotional attachment to a substance that meets a specific need for emotional energy.

With enough emotional energy, I have no need for emotional energy and with no emotional attachment to a substance there will be no addiction.

Sufficiently connected to my own source of emotional power any previous addiction to an emotional energy substitute will instantly disappear.

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