
Disgraceful is not being full of grace. It is the absence of grace.

Grace is the presence of pure emotional power.

Emotional power allows competence to flow.

Disgrace is the absence of emotional power and the presence of incompetence.

I am in disgrace when I act with incompetence.

Disgraceful behaviour is defined objectively as behaviour that drains someone else’s emotional energy. When another’s behaviour is draining my energy, I believe them to be acting disgracefully and their behaviour is a disgrace. When disgraceful behaviour is draining someone else’s energy and raising one’s own, it is called a control drama. A control drama is how I sub-consciously compete for another person’s emotional energy.

By definition, disgraceful behaviour disempowers; but who is being disempowered is a matter of who believes the behaviour to be disgraceful. Behaviour of itself has no polarity. It is individual perspective that perceives behaviour to be graceful, disgraceful or ungraceful.

When empowered with emotional energy, my actions are seen to be graceful.

When disempowered and drained of emotional energy, my actions can be ungraceful, incompetent or forceful.

When in need of emotional energy from other people, my behaviour may be perceived by them as wilful & disgraceful.