The Polarity Of Thought

Thought is an energy.

Polarity is the direction in which energy flows.

In absolute reality, energy just flows. In relative dual reality, I have a choice of direction when I focus my thoughts, which creates polarity.

Polarity allows the perspective of my thought energy to move in opposing directions. The polarity of my thinking is always relative to my personal perspective. My personal perspective is how I see reality, relative to my position in space & time.

Thought is a flow of energy. Pure thoughts just flow. Relative thinking has a polarity relative to my position in space and my reference in time. Polarity is relative to perspective and perspective is relative to belief. My beliefs determine the inclination and the attitude of my thinking.

When my perspective is in alignment with my higher vision & purpose, it has a positive polarity. When my perspective is out of alignment, it has a negative polarity. With a negative polarity, I believe that I am off track because I am out of alignment with what I truly value, I have no vision and my life appears to have no purpose.

The beliefs that cause a negative polarity in my thinking are called limiting beliefs. Intensely limiting beliefs have an intensely negative polarity and are called fears.

When I change the polarity of my thinking from negatively wrong to positively right, I change the polarity of my emotional feelings to beneficially good from detrimentally bad. My choice of experience allows my perspective to polarise in either a positive or a negative direction, relative to my beliefs about whatever is occurring.

When I believe that life happens to me, I can be blessed with good fortune or cursed with bad luck, relative to the polarity of my thinking.

When I believe that life is happening by me, I try to cause life to follow a positive polarity by making good choices. As my thinking has a polarity of right or wrong, my emotions have a choice of feeling good or bad. When life is happening by me, I am determining the polarity of my experience with the polarity of my thinking and how I feel about what is occurring.

The irony is that the more I try to control the polarity of my experiences, the more polarity that I put into them. The more spin that I put into my life, the more that my life goes into a spin. Clockwise & anti-clockwise are the direction of spin and the polarity of energy in motion.

Thought energy in motion is felt as emotion. Thought is a mental energy, which is always accompanied by an emotion. How I feel, the polarity of my emotion, is always relative to the polarity of my thinking because the polarity of my beliefs causes the polarity of my feelings.

Negative beliefs cause negative feelings and positive beliefs are positive because they allow me to feel good. When I feel good, my thoughts are pure & truly aligned and my emotions are positively beneficial.

When I feel bad, my impure thinking, based on my false beliefs, is causing my negative emotional state of being. My thinking, which is causing the negative polarity of my emotions, can also connect me to my source of positively powerful energy.

When my thinking is polarised in a negative direction, I am disconnected from my emotional power. Being emotionally disconnected is a negative state of being. My negative state of being disconnects me from my innate emotional power source because my attention is focused in the wrong direction.

Changing the polarity of my thinking requires emotional power. When my emotional power is disconnected, it is not possible to change the polarity of my thinking. I am stuck in the negative polarity of the experience of my own default choice.

Personal development requires the ability to change a personal perspective with a better belief. Any shift that I make in my personal development is a shift in my personal perspective by challenging and changing a belief about my reality. When I choose a better belief about my life, my life appears to improve from my perspective.

The better I feel about my life, the more emotional power that I have and the more positive is the polarity of my thinking. The key to thinking positively is to be in a positive emotional state of being.

Emotional power is the key to choosing an authorised mental thought. Authorised mental thought is inspired and empowered, but I need to be empowered to connect to my inspired thoughts.

Inspired thought is empowered with a positive polarity. Negative thinking is based on a corrupt and negative belief system. Direction is a choice, so I always have a choice of direction determined by the polarity of my thoughts and the feelings of my emotion.

Freedom of choice allows freedom of thought, which means that I am free to choose how I feel about whatever is occurring in my life. The positive choice is to always have a positive thought about whatever is occurring in my life, so that I always feel good about life.