Two Points Of Perspective

In a dual reality existence, there are always two points of perspective because a duality only exists when the perspective of the Self is out of alignment with its Soul. It is the misalignment of the ego Self that causes a secondary point of perspective.

A duality is never the Self and the Soul having opposing perspectives, as the Soul perspective is never in opposition to anything. The Soul is an absolute entity, which is never out of alignment with anything. It is always in alignment with what it’s Self is choosing because it has an absolute, not a relative, perspective of reality.

It is my disconnection from my Soul that causes my relative perspective. My perspective is always relative to my alignment. Choice allows my alignment of my perspective in any direction I choose. The perspective of the Self is relative to how it perceives reality to be.

As every Individual has a unique perspective of reality, it is either in favour of other people’s perspectives or against other people’s version of reality. The Soul takes no sides and is never in opposition to anything or anybody.

The Soul always has an absolutely divine perspective of its Self and its many different Selves. Having many or multiple versions of its Self is ideal for the expansive growth of the Soul. It is only through the many experiences of the Self that the Soul can come to know its Self. It is for this reason that the Soul manifests its Self into physical relative duality.

Physical reality is a contextual field of relative duality, created by the Soul to allow choice. Duality allows choice and choice allows two different points of perspective. In absolute reality, there is no choice, everything just is.

In relative duality, choice allows the Self to have a separate perspective from its Soul. The Soul’s perspective is absolute and the perspective of each Self is relative to its point of view in space-time-reality. Space & Time, or space-time, allows personal, individual & unique perspectives of reality.

Whereas, the Soul has many perspectives of reality, through many selves, each Self has two specific points of perspective; each being the effect of choice. I can choose a sub-conscious choice or I can choose a super-conscious choice. In actuality, unless I intuitively choose a higher choice, I will default to my sub-conscious choice every time.

Choice also allows my super-conscious choice and my sub-conscious choice to be either in alignment or out of alignment. When my two points of perspective are in alignment, they are concurrent and life flows effortlessly in harmony & balance. When the two points of perspective are out of balance, I experience, entropy, inertia, resistance, drama & trauma. These are all perspectives of a sub-conscious mind that is out of alignment with its super-conscious Soul.

What makes duality particularly challenging is that the Law of Attraction operates equally from both points of perspective.

A perspective is a frequency of light energy transmitted as a thought from the Mind. The Law of Attraction states that like energy unto itself is drawn, irrespective of its polarity. The point is that the perspective of the Self and the perspective of the Soul always share the same frequency of thought. Any difference in perspective is a matter of polarity, not frequency.

It is not possible for the Soul to be out of balance or alignment with what its Self is thinking. However, the Self always has a choice of polarity for the frequency of its perspective.

Polarity means direction. The Self can be forward thinking and in alignment with its Soul’s expansive future or it can be backwards thinking in alignment with its past contractual experiences. Problems arise when the past experiences of the sub-conscious Id were out of alignment with its forward thinking Soul.

A forward thinking philosophy with a positive perspective always attracts a beneficial experience, whereas, a backward thinking policy always attracts a negative and detrimental experience.

The Law of Attraction always brings me the experience that I believe that I am going to have, in alignment with the energy vibration that I am transmitting. When I believe that life can be a problem and can go wrong, it does. When I know that my Soul only ever sends its Self opportunities, then that is what I always encounter.

Life happens exactly as I sub-consciously believe it will, relative to the attitude of my perspective and where I choose to point it.

Choice allows perspective to agree or disagree. My agreement with my Soul is to always choose my Soul’s choice of perspective because it is always positively beneficial for my Self.