"Happy for You"

Being “Happy for You” means that I accept the choices you make because they allow you to be happy.

We cannot share our happiness when we are tolerating the choices that another person makes.

Tolerations deplete our energy and therefore inhibit our ability to be Happy.

Our happiness is our responsibility and we are not responsible for any one else’s happiness.

When someone is happy, we can share our happiness with them, and be happy for them.

I do not depend on another to make me happy.

No one can be happy for me unless I am happy myself.

I do not choose for another to be dependent on me for their happiness.

Once I have learned to be the master of my own happiness, I am able to share my happiness with the happiness of another.

Two happy people sharing their happiness have happiness for each other.

Sharing our happiness with a sad person will eventually make us both unhappy.

We cannot share another’s happiness without also sharing our own sadness.

We can only share each other’s happiness once we are both happy and we both have happiness to share.