
Contentment is having everything that we want.

Contentment is having enough.

Contentment is being satisfied with what we have.

Contentment is being without nothing and having no aspect of scarcity or lack.

Scarcity or lack creates wanting, waiting and discontentment.

When we are ‘counting the days’, we are deciding how long we will have to wait before we are satified and content.

Discontent and waiting take us out of the present moment to a future time in which we will be content and we will receive that which we believe that do not already have.

Contentment can only exist in each present moment.

In each present moment of now, we are either content, waiting to be content or wanting to be content.

When we know what we want and we have what we want, we have contentment.

We will never be content until we know what it is that we really want and we know that we have enough of it.