
Wisdom is the dominion of the Wise. The dominion of the Wise is Choice. Making beneficial choices is being wise. Wise choices are certainly beneficial.

Certainly beneficial choices are intuitive. Intuition always allows a certainly beneficial choice. It is a personal connection to an Individual’s wisdom.

A wise person knows intuitively that they are individually guided on their own exclusive path. Therefore making wise choices for other people is not possible.

A wise person supports others to connect intuitively to their own wisdom. Connecting someone to my wisdom is never wise. A wise person intuitively follows their own inner guidance and intellectually allows all others their own choice of path.

Following my inner guidance is wise but it is not the definition of wisdom. Wisdom answers the question “Why Is”. Why’s this and why’s that are subjective and objective questions that connect us to our own wise answers.

A wise person knows that to receive a wise answer, they are required to first ask a wise question. The wisest question is why? After asking a wise question, a wise person knows that they must listen for the wise answer. A wise person connects with their own inner wisdom, once they learn to intuitively see or hear the answers. When the answer is already intuitively known, even before the question is asked, then wisdom is attained.

Wisdom is an essential aspect of Wellbeing. Being unwell is not wise because it disconnects personal emotional power and physical ability. Wisdom allows the confident authority of inspired and empowered choices. Being well is always an inspired choice.

The attainment of Wisdom allows the mental authority to make confident wise choices. Mental authority requires emotional power to enable physically effortless inspired action. With wisdom, I allow life to effortlessly flow through me. In the effortless flow of life, my confident choice of authority is emotionally empowered and physically enabled. Inspired choices always flow with emotional power. Wise mental choices are inspired because they are emotionally empowered.

A wealth of emotional power always accompanies a wise mental choice. What I know intuitively to be right, always feels good when I am exclusively connected to my wise authority, you see? A wealth of wisdom is the answer to attaining a healthy life.

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