Who A Healer Is!

A Healer is one who is healing & healthy.

By healing my Self & being healthy, I become a healer to others.

A healer is one who is a living example of radiant good health.

It is the example, expression or vibration of health that is the catalyst for healing others.

It is my healthy state of being that allows other people to connect to their natural process of healing.

Being healed & being healthy are the same thing.

Healing is not something that a healer does to other people.

In the same way that I cannot make another person ill, neither can I make another person well.

When a person needs healing & believes that they need a healer, it is not the healer that heals them but their belief in a healer’s ability to heal them.

The only person that can heal theirself is their Self.

We are all natural self-healers, once we stop making our Self ill, by realising & overcoming the cause of our unwellness.

The cause of my unwellness is always my own negative perspective of life being unhealthy.

A healthy life is the consequence of a healthy perspective.

Everyone has the potential to heal themselves by bringing their Self back into physical, mental, emotional & spiritual balance & harmony.

A healer is one who allows their physical life to come into balance & harmony with their spiritual essence.

Every body has the potential to heal itself, when it is allowed to do so naturally.

Healing is a natural state of being that happens through me, not by me.

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