What Transformation Is!

Transformation is the process of making a shift in perspective.

As my perspective determines my experience of reality, a shift in perspective transforms my experience of reality.

Transformation is a change in the reality that forms personal experience.

I always have a choice as to how I perceive reality to be happening in my life.

How I perceive life happening is relative to how I believe reality to be, because what I believe to be real is my reality.

Reality is how I experience life to be real.

Real life is a projection of my perspective of how I perceive it to be.

I can perceive life to evolve or I can transform my life through a shift in my perspective.

From a relative dual reality perspective, I can experience life as happening to me or I can determine my life as happening by me.

When I am a victim of life happening to me, I can change my perspective, take responsibility for my actions and transform my life by seeing it as the effect of what I am myself causing.

Life happens by me when I take authority for the choices that I am making in my life.

My life transforms from an experience of impending doom to a more fortunate experience of fate.

Spiritual transformation allows the perspective that I am a spiritual Being having a physical experience called life.

As a spiritual Being, I can choose for life to happen either through me or as me.

I can choose for my Self to be the physical incarnation of my spiritual Soul Entity that is the creator of my physical reality that I have come here to experience or I can see my Self as the prime creator of all my expansive experiences in life.

Transformation then becomes the process of aligning my personal perspective with my spiritual vision, mission & purpose for this lifetime, which is my destiny.

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