What Heart Disease Is!

Heart Disease is when the heart does not flow easily.

A Spiritual Heart supplies the power of the Soul.

A physical heart supplies fuel to the Self by pumping essential oxygen & calories to the muscles.

The fitness of a physical body is a measure of its ability to deliver fuel to its muscles.

Muscles are the engine of the body and the heart is its fuel pump.

When the pump gets blocked, life does not flow easily and without fuel, the body dies.

Whatever blocks the flow of life blood causes heart disease.

Whatever blocks the power supply also blocks the fuel supply.

My body needs both spiritual power & physical food to flow easily.

Whatever blocks my power causes resistance in my life.

My spiritual power is emotion, its source is my Heart.

My Heart is my emotional power source.

When I suppress my emotions, I block my power source.

When I block my power source, the resistance causes pressure.

High blood pressure is the effect of my resistance to the flow of emotion and is the primary cause of the symptoms of heart disease.

My Spiritual Heart supplies powerful emotional energy to my physical body.

This enables life to flow effortlessly without resistance.

When I resist the flow of life, I block my power and pressurise the system.

A highly intense life will eventually find the blockages in a pressurised system.

The physical heart is designed to effortlessly deliver spiritual power from its Source, the Heart.

When my Soul is connected, my Heart is at ease.


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