What Grief Is!

Grief is the negative feeling of an unmet emotional need.

I grieve for the loss of what I need emotionally.

I grieve for whatever supplies an emotional need, when I believe that it is permanently lost.

My grief is the feeling of my own emotional loss.

Grief is a negative void of emotional energy that I believe can never be replenished.

When I lose a person who filled an emotional need of mine, I grieve for the loss of my own emotional energy.

Grief is the negative emotional feeling of an unmet challenge.

Every challenge in my life fails when I run out of emotional energy.

When I run out of emotional power, I fail the challenge and the challenge comes to grief.

When I blame another for stealing or draining my emotional energy, I have a grievance with them.

Grief is caused by a sub-conscious belief that I need other people to meet my need for emotional energy.

Grief subsides with time because it takes time to find someone else to meet the emotional need that was believed to be lost.

Sympathy is not a remedy for grief.

Sharing someone else’s grief does not meet their emotional need, it just prolongs the grief.

Grief is dissolved instantly when the emotional need is met.

Challenges are met instantly when I am sufficiently empowered.

There is no need for grief when there is no emotional need.

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