What Fear Is!

Fear is a belief that what I don’t want will happen to me.

The more I fear something happening, the greater the focus of my fear, the more fearful I am.

Dread is the intense fear caused by my conviction that what will happen to me will be devastating.

Anxiety is my slight fear that in my opinion what will happen to me may cause me a problem.

My dread, my anxiety or my fear is the effect of my conviction, my opinion or my belief in what will happen to me.

Fear is a personal belief that limits the beneficial flow of life to my Self.

A limiting belief is one that allows false evidence to appear to be real.

False Evidence Appearing Real allows the acronym of FEAR.

My beliefs are an expression of my perspective that causes the experience of my reality.

A fearful experience of reality is caused by my expressing or realising my false belief.

A beneficial experience of reality is the effect of my being the expression of my truth.

An expression of my truth is my state of being who I really am.

When I am being & expressing who I really am, I am fear free.

Being fear free is an expression of my faith in who I am.

Fear is the effect of not faithfully expressing my truth.

My truth is my perspective faithfully expressed when it is in alignment with the vision of my true Self.

My Soul is my true Self who is fear free.

It is my ego sense of Self that is either fearful or fearless.

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