What Eternity Is!

Eternity is a property of Time.

Eternal Time has no past & no future.

Eternal Time is just Now.

Now is the present moment of time.

Eternity is ever present.

There will always be a present moment of time as long as there is a space in which to experience it as a reality.

Infinite space allows time to be eternal & reality to be continuous.

As long as energy continues to exist, space exists and time continues on its journey through space because they are contrasting aspects of the same reality.

Our experience of reality proves that energy cannot be destroyed, it just changes form or property.

The beginning of time is the construct of a limited mind that is focused on the past or the future.

Physical reality is born out of the creative thought of a conscious mind.

Time is a concept of a conscious thinking mind that is experiencing continuous moments of Now.

Thought allows a conscious mind to change the form of the perspective that creates its reality in space through time.

Thought is an energy wave that flows through an ocean of space along a current time line.

As long as reality exists with infinite space, eternal time will be part of that continuous experience.

In a continuous reality, time is eternal & space is infinite; otherwise reality couldn’t continue to exist.

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