What Competence Is!

Competence is an emotional attainment.

It is the emotional attainment of my power.

I attain my competence with the quality of my personal attributes.

The quality of my personal attribute of choice determines my competence.

My emotional state of being is an expression of my power.

My degree of competence is relative to the wavelength of the emotion that I am expressing.

My emotional state of being either allows my competence or disallows it.

My incompetence is due to my state of disallowing my emotional power.

Incompetence can be conscious or unconscious.

Unconscious incompetence is an expression of my unawareness of my negative emotional state of being.

Conscious incompetence is awakening to the awareness that I am disallowing my own emotional power.

Once I become conscious of my incompetence, I can consciously develop my competence by getting my emotional needs met.

 I remove the need for emotional power by finding the cause of my incompetence.

The cause of my incompetence is always a limiting belief or a fear.

Fears & limiting beliefs disallow the flow of emotional power.

As I allow my emotional power to flow, I reconnect to my inner competence.

I reconnect to my inner competence when I align my Self with who I really am.

When I choose a better state of being, I allow my competence to flow.

Unconscious competence is the power of my Soul flowing through my physical body as the emotional state of being, of my higher choice.

Once I attain the conscious competence of a personal attribute, I allow my Self to retain & express it unconsciously, through my sub-conscious mind.

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