What Chance Is!

Chance is an opportunity in life.

Life is a chance to grow opportunistically.

Opportunity is a chance to live life.

When I take a chance in life, an opportunity appears.

I may miss the opportunity and see a challenge or a problem.

When Life happens to me, the chances are that I see a problem.

Chance opportunities are accidental & unpredictable, unforseen & uncontrollable.

When I take a chance, I see it as a risk, a hazard or a gamble.

When Life happens by me, I see chance as a challenge and the greater the odds, the greater the challenge.

Taking a chance can be lucky or unlucky and I have to take a chance.

I can be misfortunate but I can also achieve my perceived fortune.

When life happens through me, every opportunity is a chance for spiritual development & growth.

When life happens as me, chance is the opportunity to create my ideal experience of reality.

There is every chance of creating the fulfilling & joyful experience of my vision for my life.

When life happens to me, it is a lucky or unlucky accident.

When life happens by me, it can be my fortune or my misfortune.

When I allow life to happen through me, I am always fortunate as there is no risk, no hazards, no gamble, no misfortune or bad luck.

When I overcome duality, there are no odds in life.

When Life happens as me, I create my own fortune by taking every chance to fulfil every creative opportunity in life.

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