What An Epiphany Is!

An Epiphany is an Inspired Revelation.

An inspired revelation shows the way.

It is a eureka! or an ah! ha! moment that reveals a beneficial opportunity.

My divine path is filled full of beneficial opportunities for my spiritual growth.

My Soul reveals my true path through inspiration.

I am empowered to follow my inspired path.

An Epiphany reveals my divine path.

My divine path is my Soul’s Way.

My Soul guides my path with inspired messages.

When a message is revealed, it is an epiphany.

A signpost appears when I ask for direction.

My Soul allows its Self unconditional choice.

I can choose any path through life, that is my choice.

My messages of direction are always available, I only have to ask.

My Soul cannot offer direction unless I am open to receive it.

I only get direction when I ask.

When I am following my ego’s will, I will not get an epiphany.

I can only hear my messages when I am listening to my Soul.

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