Time, Speed & Distance

Time, Speed & Distance are a triality of relative existence.

They are the same energy seen from different perspectives.

That means for one to remain constant the other two will adjust relatively and accordingly.

In a reality where time is constant, speed & distance will vary.

In a reality where the speed of light is constant, time & distance will vary.

In a reality where distance is constant, time & speed will vary.

The reality of an atomic holon is that time is constant as demonstrated by all atomic clocks.

In the reality of a cellular holon the speed of growth is constant, hence time & distance will vary accordingly.

In the reality of our organic holon distance is constant and the length of a metre never changes.

Time & speed are personal to the individual and as they vary accordingly are experienced as the pace of life.

Time, speed & distance are often seen as unrelated but they are the product of the other two energies.

Time is a measure of the speed of the earth’s spin, orbit & rotation relative to its distance from the sun.

Speed is a measure of the time it takes to travel a specific distance as in revolutions per second.

Distance is a measure of speed over time called a light year.

Time, speed & distance cannot exist in isolation from each other.

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