Time & Light

Time is the frequency of a conscious thought.

Light is the frequency of a thoughtful consciousness.

Time & Light are both mental experiences of thought & consciousness.

I mentally experience both time & light as a two dimensional linear experience. As I move in a straight line in time, I experience the linear effect of light. The duality of time is space and the duality of light is density. The duality of space is density, therefore the duality of time is light. A duality is the same energy seen from a contrasting direction or an opposing attitude.

Both time & light are an expression of frequency. Whereas frequency is a measure of time, light is a measure of frequency. The colour of light (red, yellow, blue) is a measure of its frequency. The speed of a frequency (daily, monthly, yearly) is a measure of time. We calculate the speed of light, not as its frequency, but as distance relative to time (mph). We calculate the vastness of space as a distance measured as speed over time (a light year).

A two dimensional perspective of linear time & light sees the space between a subject and an object. On Earth, where both time & light are a constant frequency, distance is a purely linear measurement (feet & inches).

In absolute reality, there is no space or time and light is an instantaneous thought. Absolute thought has an eternal frequency and an infinite wavelength. It is only in the experience of relative duality that there is a space between a subjective observer and the objective object being observed. It is this duality that allows the light of each thought to have a frequency (moment) of existence in time.

In a reality where time is relative to space, the gap between a subject and an object creates the time for a specific reality to exist. The reality of time exists within each gap of space between thoughts:

  • The light of each thought has its own frequency of time
  • The love of each emotion has its own wavelength of space
  • The life of each experience has its own vibration in reality

The frequency of time of an enlightened mental thought is relative to the wavelength of space of an empowered emotional feeling.

  • Time allows light to evolve out of darkness
  • Time allows good to overcome evil
  • Time allows different moments of perspective to be light or dark
  • Time allows the unaware to become enlightened over time
  • Time allows our light to shine and our light to fade

Frequency is a modulation of the Mind to experience Light over Time:

  • Without time, there is no experience of different frequencies of light
  • Without light, there are no different times to experience

Personal experience changes through light over time. This allows mentality, the mental reality of our mind, to change & grow. Mentality is the mental reality of our Time and of our Light.

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