Time & Consciousness

My Soul resides beyond the confines of linear time.

My Super-conscious Self is beyond the Reality of Time & Space.

It oversees all Time & all Space.

My sub-conscious Id is my operating system that is the software of my life.

It holds the programmes that I have written in my past.

It delivers my past as a choice in each and every present moment.

It has no perception of my future.

My conscious ego Self is the experiencer of my life in each and every present moment.

I am conscious of the past that is stored in my sub-conscious memory.

I am aware of the potential that exists in my Super Conscious Soul.

My potential is my future made manifest.

My sub-conscious consciousness reflects my past into my present, whilst my Super-conscious awareness projects my future into my present.

My conscious Self consciousness has the choice of either projecting my past into my future or projecting my present into my future.

The realisation of my potential awaits me in my future, not my past.


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