Three Perspectives Of Happiness

There are Three Perspectives of how Happiness happens:

  1. Unhappiness happens to me
  2. Unhappiness & Happiness happen by what other people do
  3. Happiness happens through me, when I allow it

When unhappiness happens to me, I see it as a problem; when happiness or unhappiness are due to other people, it is a challenge that I either win or lose; and when happiness happens through me, it is an opportunity to enjoy.

  • Every enjoyable opportunity in life offers an experience of happiness.
  • Every challenge in life appears to succeed or fail relative to other people’s happiness
  • Every problem in life is the cause of my unhappiness

The failure of other people to meet my challenge is always seen as my problem. My own failure to meet my own challenges is the cause of my own unhappiness. When my happiness is challenged, I am being presented with an opportunity to change my perspective. When my problem is unhappiness, I have already failed to accept the challenge of changing my perspective.

The opportunity to change my perspective is a challenge, unless I see it as a problem. There is no solution to the problem of unhappiness. Focusing my attention on a solution to my unhappiness, fixes it as my continuing unhappy reality.

Challenging my perspectives that unhappiness happens to me and happiness only happens by me, allows my happiness to flow enjoyably through me.

Whenever I am challenged by an apparent problem, I am aware that I am missing an opportunity to renew my perspective that happiness is a potential, ever ready to flow through me as a joyful experience.

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